Monday, September 30, 2013

Genetic Soylent

I've been playing around with nickp's genetic soylent code. The results have been fascinating, and anyone interested can play with my modifications to the code here. (And view the code itself on my github repository here.)

To show the kind of optimization that one can obtain, compare the nutrients in the original hacker school recipe with the genetically optimized one that I've posted on Looking at the completeness graphs, we've gone from 86% complete on the original recipe to 94% complete for the optimized recipe--all using the same ingredients. Of course, an optimized recipe does not necessarily mean a tasty recipe and, looking at all the brown sugar from the best result I found, it certainly doesn't mean a low glycemic index.

My findings so far:

  • Running the genetic algorithm multiple times is a good idea. It will sometimes find a local minima that it can't climb out of. Running a few times will help you see a larger picture.
  • Apparently milk and brown sugar are a good way to get a lot of nutrients.
  • Watching the deviation counter drop as the recipe continues is a lot of fun.
  • Usually a recipe has "settled" after somewhere between 300 and 500 generations.
  • Imposing more constraints can be helpful for getting a recipe to settle more quickly. Additionally, adding a minimum of certain ingredients (like cocoa power or sugar) can help ensure that the result will taste good.

Words of warning:
  • Min/Max on the ingredients still have some bugs. The recipe won't always respect the minimum value for an ingredient.
  • Not all recipes from work yet, so there are still some issues to be tracked down.
  • As with all soylent recipes, you should really know what you are doing before you start consuming one regularly.

Daily Update: September 30, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 4
Japanese Curry


Hunger Craving Rating: 1


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.25
three 4s and a 5


Emotional Rating: 4
Back to a normal work and home schedule. I know that I've been eating more real food (and more junk food) than normal, but it seems to me that I was able to make more reasonable food decisions on hacker school soylent. I'm looking forward to seeing what a couple of "normal" weeks will bring.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Daily Update: September 29, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 3
Ravioli with mushrooms and sun dried tomatoes


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low, but I snacked a bunch.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.75
two 4s, a 6 and a 5


Emotional Rating: 4
Visitors at home. Looking forward to being back to normal tomorrow.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Daily Update: September 28, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 1

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Lunch: Chicken Caesar Wrap. Dinner: Cashew Chicken and rice.


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low, but I was eating everything.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.75
two 4s, a 6 and a 5


Emotional Rating: 4
Visitors at home.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Daily Update: September 27, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 1
Spam fried rice


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low, but I was eating everything.


Bristol Stool Scale: 5.25
a 4, two 6s and a 5


Emotional Rating: 4
Visitors at home.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Update: September 26, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Vegetarian Lazagna


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Conference. Snacks. Ugh.


Bristol Stool Scale: 5.25
two 6s, a 4 and a 5


Emotional Rating: 3
Conference and special situations at work. Visitors at home.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Daily Update: September 25, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 1
Pasta and rolls


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Snacks in front of me during a conference all day. This leads to less HSS drinking and more snacking--not good.


Bristol Stool Scale: 5.25
two 6s, a 4 and a 5


Emotional Rating: 3
Conference and special situations at work.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Daily Update: September 24, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Chicken stuffed with broccoli.


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Snacks in front of me during a conference all day. This leads to less HSS drinking and more snacking--not good.


Bristol Stool Scale: 3.75
three 4s and a 3


Emotional Rating: 2
Conference and special situations at work.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Daily Update: September 23, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 3
Dumplings and rice


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day


Bristol Stool Scale: 3.75
three 4s and a 3


Emotional Rating: 4
A fairly normal workday

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Daily Update: September 22, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
pork, beef, brussels sprouts


Low throughout the day


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Sous Vide cookoff, so lots of meat for dinner.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Daily Update: September 21, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
a corndog


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low througout the day, higher at dinner. I really need to stop buying cheese, it's too tempting.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Walked over 5 miles today.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Daily Update: September 20, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 1

Real Food Meals

Samosas Au Natural and 2/3 of a large chicken breast.


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Very hungry in the morning (while fasting), better once I was able to start eating again.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
two 5s, a two 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Fasting until noon for a blood test. 12 fl oz milk included in the one serving of hacker school soylent that I did drink.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Daily Update: September 19, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Pork and salad.


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low through most of the day, I got hungry towards dinner


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
three 4s and a 6


Emotional Rating: 4
Because I wasn't going to be able to keep my soylent chilled, I did not include milk in my second serving. I definitely think that adding milk makes it more filling. (I did drink 12 fl oz of milk with dinner--just not mixed in with the soylent.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Four Weeks on Hacker School Soylent

Feeling Fine

It's been four weeks since I started drinking hacker school soylent twice per day (well almost twice per day) as a replacement for breakfast and lunch. I haven't developed super powers. I'm not feeling much different than before. But I'm generally happy with the results and I'm planning on sticking with it--here's why.

It's Easy

I'm a programmer and I most definitely exude the three virtues of one. Laziness and impatience, however, are especially relevant for soylent. The hacker school soylent recipe is simple and quick to prepare. I've been working on my analysis to see that I'm getting all of the vitamins and minerals that the USDA thinks that I need, so I'm pretty certain that I'm eating more completely than I did when I was eating breakfast at home and taking lunch to work.

It's Compelling

Drinking soylent every day is a bit boring, but that boredom does seem to have two side effects. First, I'm not as compelled to snack throughout the day. Second, I feel like I'm doing something good for myself, which helps me make better food decisions throughout the day. Third, when I finally eat "real food" for dinner each day, I feel like I enjoy each bite a little bit more.

Breaking Even

Food-wise, I feel more "even." I suspect this is what people refer to when they talk of blood-sugar levels and "crashing." I feel like, on most of my 2-servings-of-soylent days, that I have a fairly easy time making good food decisions. My problems, right now, are on my "social eating" days and after dinner, when I've exhausted my hacker school soylent for the day and grow hungry again.

The Land Down Under

When it comes down to it, though, the number one reason I'm sticking with hacker school soylent is my bowel. For years I've had movements averaging in the 6 range of the Bristol Stool Scale. Along with that has been some occasional urgency to use the facilities. Drinking hacker school soylent for the past four weeks has really calmed everything down. I mostly have 4's (with 3-4 being considered "optimal") with an occasional 3, 5 or 6. I've had very few 7's in the past four weeks, for which I am eternally grateful.

Sticking With It

With all of that in mind, I'm going to stick with it for the time being. I'm going to keep working on improving the nutrient profile of my version of hacker school soylent ("spudlent") as I find shortages and deficiencies. I've already added a vitamin of 1000IU D3 to my daily intake and am adding a 12 fl. oz. glass of milk to my intake somewhere each day. (I'll talk about the milk in a post on sleep apnea which will be coming at some point in the future.)

Finally, I'm still not convinced that this is not stupid, so I've got some blood tests coming up and I'm looking forward to seeing the results of those to see if I'm killing myself or just barely starting to thrive.

Daily Update: September 18, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
two 4s and two 5s


Emotional Rating: 4
Included 12 fl oz nonfat milk in the second "meal" of hacker school soylent.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Daily Update: September 17, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 4
Broccoli Beef with rice


Hunger Craving Rating: 0
Very low.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Including 12 fl oz of nonfat milk in my lunch serving of soylent may make it last much, much longer. I brought home about 400mL at the end of the work day and just drank that when I felt "snacky" after work.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Daily Update: September 16, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 1

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Lunch: Persian Food. Dinner: Chicken stuffed with broccoli.


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Very low most of thd day, until dinner


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.25
three 4's and a 5


Emotional Rating: 3
Dinner seems to be a particularly hard time for me to keep eating/soylenting well. It would be worth coming up with a good plan to deal with food temptations after work.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Daily Update: September 15, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Ravioli and asparagus


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low most of the day until dinner time when I became very snacky.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4's


Emotional Rating: 2
Emotional eating.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Nutrient Analysis: Emergen-C


The final ingredient to analyze, Emergen-C. I'm using the Super Orange flavor that I bought at the supermarket. When this runs out I'll buy a pack at Costco which, at two meals per day, should last me a year and a half.

It looks like all of the nutrient information came from the label itself, and everything fell mostly in line. Here are the results:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size8.88.88.8n/a8.8
Calories (kcal)25253025Using facts from packaging
Carbohydrates (g)667.56Using facts from packaging
Protein (g)000Using facts from packaging
Total Fat (g)000Using facts from packaging
Saturated Fat (g)000Using facts from packaging
Monounsaturated Fat (g)000Using facts from packaging
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)000Using facts from packaging
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)000Using facts from packaging
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)000Using facts from packaging
Total Fiber (g)000Using facts from packaging
Solubule Fiber (g)00Using facts from packaging
Insolubule Fiber (g)00Using facts from packaging
Cholesterol (mg)000Using facts from packaging
Vitamin A (IU)000Using facts from packaging
Vitamin B6 (mg)101010Using facts from packaging
Vitamin B12 (ug)252523.425Using facts from packaging
Vitamin C (mg)10001000936.21000Using facts from packaging
Vitamin D (IU)000Using facts from packaging
Vitamin E (IU)000Using facts from packaging
Vitamin K (ug)000Using facts from packaging
Thiamin (mg).380.38.4.38Using facts from packaging
Riboflavin (mg).430.43.4.43Using facts from packaging
Niacin (mg)554.75Using facts from packaging
Folate (ug)12.51311.712.5Using facts from packaging
Panthotenic Acid (mg) facts from packaging
Biotin (ug)00Using facts from packaging
Choline (mg)000Using facts from packaging
Calcium (g).0500.05.0468.05Using facts from packaging
Chloride (g)00Using facts from packaging
Chromium (ug)101010Using facts from packaging
Copper (mg)000Using facts from packaging
Iodine (ug)00Using facts from packaging
Iron (mg)000Using facts from packaging
Magnesium (mg)606056.260Using facts from packaging
Manganese (mg). facts from packaging
Molybdenum (ug)00Using facts from packaging
Phosphorus (g).0380.038.0356.038Using facts from packaging
Potassium (g).20.2.1872.2Using facts from packaging
Selenium (ug)000Using facts from packaging
Sodium (g).0600.060.06Using facts from packaging
Sulfur (g)00Using facts from packaging
Zinc (mg)221.92Using facts from packaging

Nutrient Analysis: Salt


I'm just using store-brand iodized salt from the supermarket. It's not too surprising that these numbers mostly agree. Here's what I've chosen:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size1.5g1.5g1.5g1.5g1.5g
Calories (kcal)00000Using USDA Value
Carbohydrates (g)0000Using USDA Value
Protein (g)0000Using USDA Value
Total Fat (g)0000Using USDA Value
Saturated Fat (g)0000Using USDA Value
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0000Using USDA Value
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0000Using USDA Value
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)000Using USDA Value
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)000Using USDA Value
Total Fiber (g)0000Using USDA Value
Solubule Fiber (g)00Using USDA Value
Insolubule Fiber (g)00Using USDA Value
Cholesterol (mg)000Using USDA Value
Vitamin A (IU)0000Using USDA Value
Vitamin B6 (mg)000Using USDA Value
Vitamin B12 (ug)0000Using USDA Value
Vitamin C (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Vitamin D (IU)0000Using USDA Value
Vitamin E (IU)0000Using USDA Value
Vitamin K (ug)0000Using USDA Value
Thiamin (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Riboflavin (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Niacin (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Folate (ug)0000Using USDA Value
Panthotenic Acid (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Biotin (ug)00Using USDA Value
Choline (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Calcium (g)0.000400Using USDA Value
Chloride (g)1.219.91Confirmed by Wolfram Alpha
Chromium (ug)00Using USDA Value
Copper (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Iodine (ug)00Using USDA Value
Iron (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Magnesium (mg)0000Using USDA Value
Manganese (mg)00.002.002Using USDA Value
Molybdenum (ug)00Using USDA Value
Phosphorus (g)0000Using USDA Value
Potassium (g)0.100Using USDA Value
Selenium (ug)0000Using USDA Value
Sodium (g).5900.753.5814.581.590Using package value, which is close to USDA value.
Sulfur (g)00Using USDA Value
Zinc (mg)0000Using USDA Value

Nutrient Analysis: Soy Lecithin

Soy Lecithin

My analysis of Soy Lecithin proved interesting, as I'm not completely convinced that the USDA's "Oil, Soybean Lecithin" is close enough to the same product to do a comparison. Regardless, it is what I used, but I'd sure like to see some more convincing evidence that I'm using the right numbers here.

Additionally, I'm starting to question the Omega-3 and Omega-6 numbers that I'm finding on sites like Take, for instance, the Omega-3 listed for 4g of Soy Lecithin on the site. If you dig into the details there you can see that there is 231mg of 18:03 fatty acids. My understanding is that 18:3 fatty acid can be differentiated into 18:3 n-3 and 18:3 n-6. The n-3 version is an Omega-3 fatty acid and the n-6 version is an Omega-6 fatty acid. Since the USDA figure doesn't seem to differentiate, so I'm uncertain how does. At the moment, though, my understanding of fatty acids is very rudimentary. So I will use the figures I find, even though I question them. As I discover more I'll update these numbers. If you know more, please comment!

Here are the numbers I've chosen to use:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size8g8g8g8g8g
Calories (kcal)6061616161All sources agree per USDA rounding rules.
Carbohydrates (g)1000.5Using the smallest value that will round up to 1 per USDA rounding rules
Protein (g)00000All sources agree
Total Fat (g)48884.49Using the largest value that will round down to 4 per USDA rounding rules
Saturated Fat (g) USDA Value, but adjusting for reported total fat: 1.2*4.49/(1.2+.878+3.625)
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0.9.878.691Using USDA Value, but adjusting for reported total fat: .878*4.49/(1.2+.878+3.625)
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)03.63.6252.854Using USDA Value, but adjusting for reported total fat: 3.625*4.49/(1.2+.878+3.625)
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g), but backed up by
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g), but backed up by
Total Fiber (g)00000All sources agree
Solubule Fiber (g)00All sources agree
Insolubule Fiber (g)00All sources agree
Cholesterol (mg)00000All sources agree
Vitamin A (IU)0000All sources agree
Vitamin B6 (mg)000All sources agree
Vitamin B12 (ug)0000All sources agree
Vitamin C (mg)0000All sources agree
Vitamin D (IU)0000All sources agree
Vitamin E (IU)11.05.43329.43329Using USDA Value
Vitamin K (ug)1514.714.714.7All sources agree
Thiamin (mg)0000All sources agree
Riboflavin (mg)0000All sources agree
Niacin (mg)0000All sources agree
Folate (ug)0000All sources agree
Panthotenic Acid (mg)0000All sources agree
Biotin (ug)00All sources agree
Choline (mg)50% of 550mg is approx. 275mg282828250NEEDS VERIFICATION. The front of the packaging calls this out explicitly. It is funny that the USDA figure is 10% of the packaging figure. This could indicate that I'm using a bad base element in choosing Oil, Soybean Lecithin or that there is a unit error somewhere along the way.
Calcium (g)2% of 1g approx. 0.02g000.01Using lowest value that will round up to 2% per USDA rounding rules
Chloride (g)00All sources agree
Chromium (ug)00All sources agree
Copper (mg)0000All sources agree
Iodine (ug)00All sources agree
Iron (mg)2% of 8mg approx. 0.16mg000.08Using the lowest value that will round up to 2% per USDA rounding rules
Magnesium (mg)0000All sources agree
Manganese (mg)0000All sources agree
Molybdenum (ug)00All sources agree
Phosphorus (g)0000All sources agree
Potassium (g)0000All sources agree
Selenium (ug)0000All sources agree
Sodium (g)00000All sources agree
Sulfur (g)00All sources agree
Zinc (mg)0000All sources agree

Daily Update: September 14, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 1


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
a 6 and three 4's


Emotional Rating: 4
Dinner with family.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Daily Update: September 13, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 1

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Lunch: flatbread pizza. Dinner: Dumplings and rice.


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4's


Emotional Rating: 5
Work group lunch and then a family dinner. Lots of real food today and only one serving of HSS.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nutrient Analysis: Cocoa Powder

Dutch Processed Cocoa Powder

For the cocoa powder I'm using Rodelle Gourmet Baking Cocoa, which when I bought it, was cheaper than the Hershey's Special Dark Cocoa Powder. I will likely use whichever is cheaper at the time that I do my order. I'll make a new post with the Hershey's Special Dark the next time I use that.

The biggest oddity in looking for matching values on the cocoa powder was the calories.  USDA cited 15 calories for a 7g serving. The package label cited 30. Since my general rule has me believing the specific package over the generic substance, I used 27.5, which is the lowest value that will round up to 30 according to the labeling guidelines.

Here's the data I'm using:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size7g7g7g7g7g
Calories (kcal)301615.41527.5Since the USDA value is significantly smaller, I am choosing the lowest value to round up to the package's indicated 30 kcal per USDA rounding rules
Carbohydrates (g) values agree.
Protein (g)11.371.31.271.27Choosing USDA Value
Total Fat (g) USDA Value
Saturated Fat (g)10.5.543.543Choosing USDA Value
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0.3.307.307Choosing USDA Value
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)00.029.029Choosing USDA Value
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)000All sources agree
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)00All sources agree
Total Fiber (g) USDA value
Solubule Fiber (g)0All sources agree
Insolubule Fiber (g)0All sources agree
Cholesterol (mg)0000All sources agree
Vitamin A (IU)000All sources agree
Vitamin B6 (mg)0.008.008Choosing USDA value.
Vitamin B12 (ug)000All sources agree
Vitamin C (mg)000All sources agree
Vitamin D (IU)000All sources agree
Vitamin E (IU)00.006666.0067Choosing USDA value.
Vitamin K (ug) USDA value.
Thiamin (mg)0.0070.008.008Choosing USDA value.
Riboflavin (mg)0.0140.032.032Choosing USDA value.
Niacin (mg) USDA value.
Folate (ug)22.222Choosing USDA value.
Panthotenic Acid (mg)0.0210.018.018Choosing USDA value.
Biotin (ug)0All sources agree
Choline (mg) sources agree
Calcium (g)2% of 1g approx. .02g0.01.0078.008.01Choosing makesoylent value, which is the lowest value to round up to 2% per USDA rounding rules
Chloride (g)0All sources agree
Chromium (ug)0All sources agree
Copper (mg) USDA value.
Iodine (ug)0All sources agree
Iron (mg)15% of 8mg approx 1.2mg0.9731.11.091.09Choosing USDA value.
Magnesium (mg)34.933.33333Choosing USDA value.
Manganese (mg) USDA value.
Molybdenum (ug)0All sources agree
Phosphorus (g) USDA value.
Potassium (g)0.107175.6.176.176Choosing USDA value.
Selenium (ug) USDA value.
Sodium (g)00.001.0013.001.001Choosing USDA value.
Sulfur (g)0All sources agree
Zinc (mg)0.476.4.45.45Choosing USDA value.

Daily Update: September 12, 2013

Weight: 224.5 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Buffet. Salad, beef, more salad, bread.


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Very low throughout day, see notes.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
three 4s and a 6


Emotional Rating: 5
I added 12oz nonfat milk to one of my servings of HSS today and found the soylent more filling than usual. I'm going to try drinking 12oz milk, in addition to my 2 servings of HSS every day, for a week or two. I'll write about why in a post shortly.

Nutrient Analysis: Potassium Gluconate

Potassium Gluconate

The only sources of information are makesoylent and the packaging itself, and they both agree. Here are the details I'm using:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size1.741.74n/an/a1.74
Calories (kcal)0All sources agree
Carbohydrates (g)0All sources agree
Protein (g)0All sources agree
Total Fat (g)0All sources agree
Saturated Fat (g)0All sources agree
Monounsaturated Fat (g)0All sources agree
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)0All sources agree
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)0All sources agree
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)0All sources agree
Total Fiber (g)0All sources agree
Solubule Fiber (g)0All sources agree
Insolubule Fiber (g)0All sources agree
Cholesterol (mg)0All sources agree
Vitamin A (IU)0All sources agree
Vitamin B6 (mg)0All sources agree
Vitamin B12 (ug)0All sources agree
Vitamin C (mg)0All sources agree
Vitamin D (IU)0All sources agree
Vitamin E (IU)0All sources agree
Vitamin K (ug)0All sources agree
Thiamin (mg)0All sources agree
Riboflavin (mg)0All sources agree
Niacin (mg)0All sources agree
Folate (ug)0All sources agree
Panthotenic Acid (mg)0All sources agree
Biotin (ug)0All sources agree
Choline (mg)0All sources agree
Calcium (g)0All sources agree
Chloride (g)0All sources agree
Chromium (ug)0All sources agree
Copper (mg)0All sources agree
Iodine (ug)0All sources agree
Iron (mg)0All sources agree
Magnesium (mg)0All sources agree
Manganese (mg)0All sources agree
Molybdenum (ug)0All sources agree
Phosphorus (g)0All sources agree
Potassium (g).2700.27.270All sources agree
Selenium (ug)0All sources agree
Sodium (g)0All sources agree
Sulfur (g)0All sources agree
Zinc (mg)0All sources agree

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Daily Update: September 11, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
In N Out. Animal style hamburgur and shared fries (approx. half)


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
all 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Mmmmm.... In N Out.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Nutrient Analysis: Olive Oil

Olive Oil

The numbers I found on makesoylent for Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids were very different than those on cronometer. I've backed the cronometer values with data from, but I'd like to see additional sources.

Here are the justifications for my numbers:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size15mL14g13.613.6g13.615mL Olive Oil converts to 13.6g olive oil.
Calories (kcal)120120120.2120120All sources agree
Carbohydrates (g)0000All sources agree
Protein (g)0000All sources agree
Total Fat (g)141413.613.613.6Choosing USDA Value
Saturated Fat (g)221.91.8781.878Choosing USDA Value
Monounsaturated Fat (g) USDA Value
Polyunsaturated Fat (g) USDA Value
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)'s values agree with so I'm choosing those.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)4.571.31.318Cronometer's values agree with so I'm choosing those.
Total Fiber (g)0000All sources agree
Solubule Fiber (g)00All sources agree
Insolubule Fiber (g)00All sources agree
Cholesterol (mg)0000All sources agree
Vitamin A (IU)0000All sources agree
Vitamin B6 (mg)000All sources agree
Vitamin B12 (ug)0000All sources agree
Vitamin C (mg)0000All sources agree
Vitamin D (IU)0000All sources agree
Vitamin E (IU)331.29987mg = 1.95IU1.95Choosing USDA Value, with conversion per
Vitamin K (ug) USDA Value
Thiamin (mg)0000All sources agree
Riboflavin (mg)0000All sources agree
Niacin (mg)0000All sources agree
Folate (ug)0000All sources agree
Panthotenic Acid (mg)0000All sources agree
Biotin (ug)00All sources agree
Choline (mg)0000All sources agree
Calcium (g)0.000100Choosing USDA Value
Chloride (g)00All sources agree
Chromium (ug)00All sources agree
Copper (mg)0000All sources agree
Iodine (ug)00All sources agree
Iron (mg) sources agree
Magnesium (mg)0000All sources agree
Manganese (mg)0000All sources agree
Molybdenum (ug)00All sources agree
Phosphorus (g)0000All sources agree
Potassium (g)0.100Choosing USDA Value
Selenium (ug)0000All sources agree
Sodium (g)0.000300All sources agree
Sulfur (g)00All sources agree
Zinc (mg)0000All sources agree

Daily Update: September 10, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 1
Chicken stuffed with broccoli.


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 5
a 4, a 6


Emotional Rating: 1
I ended up the day in a foul mood and had a lot of bad mood eating that came with it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Nutrient Analysis: Trader Joe's Soy Protein Powder (unflavored)

Trader Joe's Soy Protein Powder

This one is easy. It looks like everyone's source has been the label of the product, which is actually pretty detailed.

Details here:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size29g29g29gn/a
Calories (kcal)110110110110All sources the same.
Carbohydrates (g)000All sources the same.
Protein (g)23232323All sources the same.
Total Fat (g) sources the same.
Saturated Fat (g)000All sources the same.
Monounsaturated Fat (g)000All sources the same.
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)000All sources the same.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)000All sources the same.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)000All sources the same.
Total Fiber (g)000All sources the same.
Solubule Fiber (g)00All sources the same.
Insolubule Fiber (g)00All sources the same.
Cholesterol (mg)000All sources the same.
Vitamin A (IU)1750175017501750All sources the same.
Vitamin B6 (mg).70.70.7All sources the same.
Vitamin B12 (ug) sources the same.
Vitamin C (mg)21212121All sources the same.
Vitamin D (IU)140140140140All sources the same.
Vitamin E (IU)10101010All sources the same.
Vitamin K (ug)22222222All sources the same.
Thiamin (mg).520.52.50.52All sources the same.
Riboflavin (mg).590.59.60.59All sources the same.
Niacin (mg)7777All sources the same.
Folate (ug)140140140140All sources the same.
Panthotenic Acid (mg) sources the same.
Biotin (ug)105105105All sources the same.
Choline (mg)000All sources the same.
Calcium (g). sources the same.
Chloride (g)00All sources the same.
Chromium (ug)202020All sources the same.
Copper (mg)1111All sources the same.
Iodine (ug)525252All sources the same.
Iron (mg)9999All sources the same.
Magnesium (mg)120120120120All sources the same.
Manganese (mg) sources the same.
Molybdenum (ug)616161All sources the same.
Phosphorus (g).3700.37.3700.37All sources the same.
Potassium (g).0250.025.0250.025All sources the same.
Selenium (ug)20202020All sources the same.
Sodium (g).2400.24.240.24All sources the same.
Sulfur (g)00All sources the same.
Zinc (mg) sources the same.

Nutrient Analysis: Brown Sugar

Brown Sugar

The brown sugar numbers were pretty easy to reconcile. It looks like most of them come from the USDA so they all matched pretty well. I've added some additional nutrient details to the brown sugar in my version of Hacker School Soylent.

I'm using light brown sugar from the grocery store. Here are the details:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size4g4g4g4g4g
Calories (kcal)151515.21515All sources match
Carbohydrates (g)443.93.923.92All sources match
Protein (g)000All sources match
Total Fat (g)000All sources match
Saturated Fat (g)000All sources match
Monounsaturated Fat (g)000All sources match
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)000All sources match
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)00All sources match
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)00All sources match
Total Fiber (g)000All sources match
Solubule Fiber (g)0All sources match
Insolubule Fiber (g)0All sources match
Cholesterol (mg)00All sources match
Vitamin A (IU)000All sources match
Vitamin B6 (mg)0.002.002Using USDA Value
Vitamin B12 (ug)000All sources match
Vitamin C (mg)000All sources match
Vitamin D (IU)000All sources match
Vitamin E (IU)000All sources match
Vitamin K (ug)000All sources match
Thiamin (mg)000All sources match
Riboflavin (mg)000All sources match
Niacin (mg)00.004.004Using USDA Value
Folate (ug)000All sources match
Panthotenic Acid (mg)00.005.005Using USDA Value
Biotin (ug)0All sources match
Choline (mg) USDA Value
Calcium (g)0.0033.003.003Using USDA Value
Chloride (g)0All sources match
Chromium (ug)0All sources match
Copper (mg)00.002.002Using USDA Value
Iodine (ug)0All sources match
Iron (mg)00.03.03Using USDA Value
Magnesium (mg)0.40.4Using cronometer value backed up by
Manganese (mg)00.003.003Using USDA Value
Molybdenum (ug)0All sources match
Phosphorus (g)0.20.0002Using cronometer value that looks like it was off by a factor of 10. This value is backed up by
Potassium (g)0.005.0053.005.005All sources match
Selenium (ug)000All sources match
Sodium (g)0.003.0011.001.001Using USDA Value
Sulfur (g)0All sources match
Zinc (mg)000All sources match

Daily Update: September 9, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Japanese Curry


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.25
a 5, three 4s


Emotional Rating: 2
I was in pain today (related to stupidity, not soylent), so my mood ended up low.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nutrient Analysis: Oat Flour

Oat Flour

Making the numbers match for Oat Flour was a lot more difficult than for the flaxseed meal. I'll keep looking and updating, but as of now there are four values that I can't justify from a reputable source. If you know where the numbers came from, please reach out and I'll update the spreadsheet!

I'm using Bob's Red Mill Whole Grain Oat Flour in my recipe. I'm still assuming that the package is the most correct value, subject to correction for the labeling rounding rules. Then I'll fall back to the USDA values. If neither of those check out, I'll fall back to the makesoylent and cronometer values and try to find my own source to justify the numbers.

Here are my findings:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size40g40g40g40g
Calories (kcal)160176161.6162162Package falls within USDA rounding rules. Presuming USDA is more precise.
Carbohydrates (g)2623.726.326.2826.28Package falls within USDA rounding rules. Presuming USDA is more precise.
Protein (g)75.885.95.866.5Presuming package is more accurate than USDA for this particular brand. Assuming the lowest possible value that can round up to 7 to make the value closer to USDA value.
Total Fat (g)33.643.63.653.49Presuming package Package falls within USDA rounding rules. Presuming USDA is more more accurate than USDA for this particular brand. Assuming the highest possible value that can round down to 3 in order to be closer to the USDA value.
Saturated Fat (g). falls within USDA rounding rules. Presuming USDA is more precise.
Monounsaturated Fat (g) USDA Value
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)1.321.31.3321.332Using USDA Value
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g) Using makesoylent's value. Please let me know if you can cite a source.
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g) Using makesoylent's value. Please let me know if you can cite a source.
Total Fiber (g) package is more accurate than USDA for this particular brand. Assuming the lowest possible value that can round up to 4 to make the value closer to USDA value.
Solubule Fiber (g)1.21.6I am increasing makesoylent's value by .4 in order to add up to the total fiber package value. The actual amount is unknown.
Insolubule Fiber (g)1.41.9I am increasing makesoylent's value by .5 in order to add up to the total fiber package value. The actual amount is unknown.
Cholesterol (mg)00000All sources agree.
Vitamin A (IU)0000All sources agree.
Vitamin B6 (mg)0.05.05Using USDA Value
Vitamin B12 (ug)0000All sources agree.
Vitamin C (mg)0000All sources agree.
Vitamin D (IU)0000All sources agree.
Vitamin E (IU)0.3.186648.1866Using USDA Value
Vitamin K (ug) USDA Value
Thiamin (mg) USDA Value
Riboflavin (mg) USDA Value
Niacin (mg) USDA Value
Folate (ug)1312.81313Using USDA Value
Panthotenic Acid (mg) USDA Value
Biotin (ug)00All sources agree.
Choline (mg)11.96121212Using USDA Value
Calcium (g)2% of 1g approx. 0.02g0. USDA Value
Chloride (g)00All sources agree.
Chromium (ug)00All sources agree.
Copper (mg) USDA Value
Iodine (ug)00All sources agree.
Iron (mg)10% of 8mg approx .8mg1. understanding of the USDA Iron DRV must be off, because I am consistently calculating about half of what the USDA finds. USDA value.
Magnesium (mg)57.657.65858All sources agree.
Manganese (mg) sources agree.
Molybdenum (ug)8080Taking the makesoylent value as justified by this article. I'd like to find a more reliable source.
Phosphorus (g)0.181180.8.181.181All sources agree.
Potassium (g)0.148148.4.148.148All sources agree.
Selenium (ug)1413.613.613.6All sources agree.
Sodium (g)00.008.0076.008.008All sources agree.
Sulfur (g)0.09.09UNJUSTIFIED. I can't find the source for makesoylent's value.
Zinc (mg) sources agree.

Nutrient Analysis: Flaxseed Meal

Flaxseed Meal

Let's start with ground flaxseed, since this is where I started my investigation due to some some egregious errors in the nutrient numbers on

I'm using Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed Meal in my recipe. In general I'm considering the numbers on the packaging most accurate, since they should represent the specific product in the bag. From there I'm falling back to the USDA numbers which, in this case, are for whole flaxseeds. I could be wrong, but I figure that the nutrition difference between the same weight of whole flaxseeds and ground flaxseeds should be minimal.

From there I'll use the cronometer or makesoylent numbers if I can find an additional source or reason to back them up.

Here are my findings for flaxseed meal:

PackagingmakesoylentcronometerUSDAChosen ValueJustification
Serving Size13g13g13g13g13g
Calories (kcal)6069606964USDA rounding rules allow for the company to round down to the nearest 10. I'm going to assume the highest value that will round down to 60.
Carbohydrates (g)43.843.753.8USDA rounding rules require rounding to the nearest .5, explaining the discrepancy. All values are close, so I'll use makesoylent's 3.8.
Protein (g)32.3432.382.5USDA rounding rules allow rounding to nearest 1g. Choosing the lowest value that would allow for that rounding since USDA values are lower.
Total Fat (g)4.55.464.55.484.74USDA rounding rules allow rounding down to the nearest .5 in this case. Since USDA is higher I am choosing the highest fat content that can be rounded down to the value on the label.
Saturated Fat (g).500.476.476USDA number and package number appear to match given USDA rounding rules. Using USDA number for increased precision.
Monounsaturated Fat (g)101.979.979USDA number and package number appear to match given USDA rounding rules. Using USDA number for increased precision.
Polyunsaturated Fat (g)3.503.53.7353.735USDA number and package number appear to match given USDA rounding rules. Using USDA number for increased precision.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids (g)02.402.4Values taken from Bob's Red Mill FAQ
Omega-6 Fatty Acids (g)00.001.56Values taken from Bob's Red Mill FAQ
Total Fiber (g)43.543.54The sum of soluable and insoluable fiber per Values taken from Bob's Red Mill FAQ
Solubule Fiber (g)101.33Values taken from Bob's Red Mill FAQ
Insolubule Fiber (g)302.67Values taken from Bob's Red Mill FAQ
Cholesterol (mg)00000All sources match.
Vitamin A (IU)0000All sources match.
Vitamin B6 (mg) USDA value.
Vitamin B12 (ug)0000All sources match.
Vitamin C (mg)00.1.1Using USDA value
Vitamin D (IU)0000All sources match
Vitamin E (IU)00.026664.0267Using USDA value
Vitamin K (ug)10.6.6Using USDA value
Thiamin (mg)0.2080.214.214Using USDA value
Riboflavin (mg)0.0260.021.021Using USDA value
Niacin (mg)0.4030.4.4Using USDA value
Folate (ug)1101111Using USDA value
Panthotenic Acid (mg) USDA value
Biotin (ug)00All sources match
Choline (mg)10.231010.210.2Using USDA value
Calcium (g)2% of 1g approx. 0.02g0. rounding rules has manufacturers round to the nearest 2%, which would put the max at .0299g, which is what I will use since this puts it close to the USDA value.
Chloride (g)00All sources match
Chromium (ug)00All sources match
Copper (mg)0.1560.159.159Using USDA value
Iodine (ug)00All sources match
Iron (mg)4% of 8mg approx 0.32-0.40mg0.741.7.74.74I'm having some trouble rectifying these numbers. I'm going to go with the USDA number here, but it could be as low as half of the USDA number.
Magnesium (mg)5105151Using USDA value
Manganese (mg)0.3250.323.323Using USDA value
Molybdenum (ug)00All sources match
Phosphorus (g)0.0830.083.083Using USDA value
Potassium (g)0.1060.106.106Using USDA value
Selenium (ug)303.33.3Using USDA value
Sodium (g)00.0040.004.004Using USDA value
Sulfur (g)00All sources match
Zinc (mg)0.5590.56.56Using USDA value

Nutrient Analysis: Introduction

For nearly three weeks now I've been drinking Hacker School Soylent for both breakfast and lunch. Zach did a great job with the recipe, which is both tasty and nutritious, and I've been enjoying some of the benefits of soylent: my hunger has been more even and my bowel has been more settled.

So, for the moment I'm planning to keep it up. It's time to start taking a look at the nutrition numbers and make certain I'm not poisoning myself. (Now, a prudent person might think that the appropriate time to do this is before starting on soylent in the first place.

Somewhat disconcerting is how much variance there is in the reporting of the vitamins and minerals between various sites. For instance, Zach states that there's up to 5g of potassium. Cron-o-meter finds 4.2g potassium. My original makesoylent recipe, however, found 226.8g potassium. The numbers from Zach and Cronometer can probably be accounted for by margins-of-error, but the makesoylent figure is almost two orders of magnitude more.

Looking through makesoylent, though, we see 5 different ingredient listings for Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed Meal, with 3 different nutrient contents between them. The error is probably there. It would be great of one of the sites would allow us to indicate the source of the nutrition information--but so far I haven't found one. This series of posts is my attempt to justify the numbers that I am using.

Like my wife, you should assume that I am wrong and know nothing.

Daily Update: September 8, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 3
Taquitos and salsa


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day. Slight desire for cookies/white bread at the end of the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
three 4s


Emotional Rating: 4
Much the same as yesterday. Nothing exciting to report.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Daily Update: September 7, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 5
Cashew Chicken


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Low throughout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
Three 4s.


Emotional Rating: 4
A low craving day. My head was buried in data all day. A contented, busy mind certainly helps me stay on track.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Daily Update: September 6, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Spam fried rice.


Hunger Craving Rating: 3
Pizza cravings and other cravings all day. Today was bad on the hunger front.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.75
A 5, a 6 and two 4s.


Emotional Rating: 3
I was having food cravings all day today and the HSS just didn't seem to help. So my real food today was not terribly healthy and in pretty big quantity.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Around the Web

A few sites that I've come across:

Pat's Soylent Adventure Patrick is following much the same recipe I am, but with a few additions (posted on

makeshifttechnology has been working on versions of soylent that can be purchased with food stamps, which is a great endeavor.

Other than Rob's posts, I still haven't seen posts about people's months-long experiments with their own homemade soylents. The week-long trials that journalists have had can hardly give an impression of life on the food.

Daily Update: September 5, 2013

Weight: 225 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 3
Ham, pineapple and a broccoli casserole.


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Pretty low throughout the day until dinner out.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.5
Two 5s and two 4s.


Emotional Rating: 3
Nothing new to report.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Daily Update: September 4, 2013

Weight: 226 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2
Ravioli and asparagus


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Pretty low througout the day.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4.25
Three 4s and a small 6. Low gass


Emotional Rating: 3
A pretty normal day. I handled a work upset pretty well and was able to get back in and working after just a few minutes of venting.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Daily Update: September 3, 2013

Weight: 227 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent: 2

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 5
Samosas Au Natural and 1/2 of a large chicken breast.


Hunger Craving Rating: 1
Pretty low througout the day. All cravings were suppressed with additional sips of HSS.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
A 3, two 4s and a small 6. Low gas.


Emotional Rating: 4
Today was very much back to normal, which gives me hope for the future. Between the meetings, the conference and the Monday holiday it was an unusual week. I hope things will settle back down into a good normal pattern now.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Daily Update: September 2, 2013

Weight: 227 lbs.

Servings of Hacker School Soylent:

Real Food Meals

Health Rating: 2


Hunger Craving Rating: 2
Low until mid-afternoon. I drank through my two meals' worth of HSS late afternoon and as hungry for the entire rest of the day. I ended up with lots of pre- and post-dinner snacking.


Bristol Stool Scale: 4
Back to being pretty good again.


Emotional Rating: 3
Not such a good day eating-wise. Hopefully things will go back to the way they were a week and a half ago pretty soon.

Two Weeks In

I started drinking Hacker School Soylent as a week long experiment. I wanted to see how it tasted, how my body would respond to it, and if any of the claimed magical properties were true.

After a week of consumption I was pleased enough with the results that I bought the ingredients in bulk with the intention of extending my trial out to a full month.

What I've been doing

When possible, I've been using 2/3 of the Hacker School Soylent (HSS) recipe for meals each day to replace breakfast and lunch. I've then prepared dinner when arriving home, or joined my friends for a dinner that evening.

I'm not declining social opportunities, so I am reducing my HSS intake when I have a social lunch (or breakfast) planned. The last four days, for example, I've been at a conference. I've reduced my HSS to 1/2 of the recipe and eaten a small "real foods" lunch while chatting with colleagues.

My focus has been weight loss, while maintaining an eating habit that I can keep even after I've reached my target weight. To that end, I'm consuming about 1400 calories of HSS and aiming to have 600 calories, or fewer, of dinner and snacks. Many of my vegetable-heavy recipes that I cook at home support this, like: broccoli beefJapanese currySamosas au natural, and cashew chicken.

Generally I'm finding that 2/3 of a recipe of HSS makes about 1400mL of liquid. I'll drink 400mL before work, around 300mL at lunch time and between 100 and 200mL whenever I feel peckish. I'll often return home from work with 200mL which I will drink when I want a snack after dinner.


So I can't clam to have had any magical improvements, but I have been very pleased with some of the results:

Cravings: all-in-all I have found it easier to keep from snacking. When I'm hungry I'm finding it pretty easy to drink HSS instead of the salty or sweet snacks that my workgroup brings in to share. When I do crave "real food" I've been much more able to re-route to a healthy alternative (like an apple or a pear) than I was before starting HSS.

Bowel: on the Bristol stool scale I've moved from a 6 to a 4.5, with much less urgency and much more controllable gas. I currently suspect that my "4" days are more vegetable-heavy with fewer easily accessible sugars, and I'm hoping that the coming weeks will see more more consistently at a 4.

Mood: I have felt more even and in-control than I normally do these past few weeks. Now this may not be the HSS at all, but I know that my mood definitely affects my eating. (I eat both when nervous and when sad.) I'll enjoy seeing if this sticks.

Energy: Again, I've felt more even since starting HSS. I'm still having an energy-drop in the afternoon, but I'm wondering if that has more to do with the content of the meetings I attend than the inherent energy I am feeling at that time.

Weight: I've lost about 2 pounds in the past two weeks. I think it would be 3 if I hadn't been overeating during the conference I've been at.