Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Genetic Soylent Can Now Optimize Cost

I just pushed an update to github that treats daily cost as yet another nutrient for genetic soylent recipes. You can use this to help minimize the cost of your recipe (or, I suppose, to help maximize the cost of your recipe if you want some Soylent Bling.)

A few thoughts:

  • Remember that if the cost falls anywhere between the minimum and maximum value for the nutrient that it is scored the same--as 0 deviance. If you want to get the cheapest soylent possible, set the maximum value lower than you'd like to pay and the genetic algorithm will prefer to lower the value whenever possible.
  • I recommend setting the priority on the cost "nutrient" down to .3 or .1 as a way of telling the algorithm that, all-other-things-being-equal, you'd prefer a cheaper soylent. The priority is a multiplier for the cost function, so a value of .1 means that you'd rather have less than a 1 unit difference in a nutrient than a $0.10 difference in cost.

Some recipes to play with:


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