Monday, September 1, 2014

Nursing Tips

We've recently become parents and my wife has been having a lot of pain breast-feeding. I think we've finally started getting the hang of it, though, so I wanted to share what's been most helpful for us:

  • Danielle Gauss' post, 7 steps to latch your baby, finally started us moving in the right direction. It's well worth a read if you're having problems. Specifically, we were having these two problems:
    • We weren't keeping our baby high enough. It's recommended to bring the baby up to the lower part of the breast for feeding.
    • We weren't keeping baby chest-to-chest with Mom. Instead he was rolling onto his back.

These two fixes have make the baby's latches significantly better. And now that Mom has experienced "better" latches, she is becoming more comfortable removing him and re-latching when the latch is poor.

We're still having some problems where he'll bite down when de-latching. But simply getting the first steps of less painful latches and suckles has been a tremendous improvement.