Sunday, March 2, 2014

Six Months on Hacker School Soylent

A couple of thoughts after drinking Hacker School Soylent twice daily for six months straight (with one or two short breaks for holidays and vacation):

Soylent isn't a panacea. Six months on the Hacker School variety hasn't supercharged my brain, increased my virility, nor given me six-pack abs. But, to me, it seems like it can be a helpful aid on the way to some of those goals.

Weight Loss

I've started to lose weight. It's not because of the soylent, though. More than anything, it's because I bought a fitbit one and am now obsessed with watching my step count every day. (My daily goal is 14,000 steps.) But part of weight loss, at least the way I'm doing it, is watching calorie intake. And soylent makes that very, very easy.

Since two meals a day are soylent, I only have to pay attention to my snacks and dinner calories. And I can be certain that, regardless of what I eat during my non-soylent meals, I've gotten at least 2/3 of my daily requirements of all vitamins and minerals. I may not always eat what I should for dinner, but at least my breakfast and lunch were fairly nutritions and in-line with my caloric goals.

For weight loss, the fewer things I have to pay attention to, the more likely I am to stick with a plan. I know that I could use CRON techniques to work on my calorie and nutrition requirements. But that's work. Soylent is easy.

Formula Experimentation Has Consequences

While soylent isn't a cure-all, there is one change in my body that I can definitely attribute to it: my poops have improved. Before I started soylent I tended to have poops that were a 5 or 6 on the Bristol stool scale. Now I have mostly 4's. This is vastly more pleasant and one of the biggest reasons that I stick with soylent each day.

I have noticed that any time I change my recipe I always have a few days of... intestinal unease. For me it has been best to stop experimenting and just stick with one recipe.